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Thank you for giving to McCormick Methodist Church. Your gifts enable us to fulfill our mission of “Reaching Up and Reaching Out”.
from Rev. C. Nels Ledwell
Where is the Piccolo?
Sir Michael Costa, the celebrated conductor, was holding a rehearsal. As the mighty chorus rang out, accompanied by scores of instruments, the piccolo player a little pint-sized flute thinking perhaps that his contribution would not be missed amid so much music, stopped playing. Suddenly, the great leader stopped and cried out, “Where is the piccolo?”
The sound of that one small instrument was necessary to the harmony, and the Master Conductor missed it when it dropped out. The point? To the Conductor there are no insignificant instruments in an orchestra. Sometimes the smallest and seemingly least important one can make the greatest contribution and even if it doesn’t seem to make that big a difference to the audience at large, THE CONDUCTOR KNOWS IT right away!
In the Church the players and the instruments are diverse—different sizes, different shapes, different notes, different roles to play. But like the piccolo player in Sir Michael’s orchestra, we often in our own sovereignty decide that our contribution is not significant. Our contribution couldn’t possibly make a difference. And so we quit playing. Stop doing that which we’ve been given to do. We drop out. But the Conductor immediately notices. From our perspective, our contribution may be small, but from His, it is crucial.
I just have to believe I’m writing to some piccolo players this week, who have dropped out of the orchestra, for whatever reasons: pain, exhaustion, insecurity, criticism, laziness, misbehavior. Convinced that your contribution doesn’t mean a hill of beans in the bigger scheme of things. We have buried our talent in the ground.
For all piccolos who won’t play, or at least aren’t playing, Jesus has something to say and so do I as your Pastor. The Church needs you and you need the Church. Let the Orchestra sound off with all the instruments playing!
See you at Baker Creek for Worship This Sunday. There will be a service online for those that watch from home.
Your Pastor,
Preparing for Worship
Sunday, September 22, 2024 10:00 AM
Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Baker Creek Picnic Worship Service
Scripture Lesson:1 Chronicles 29: 1-9
Message: “Loving Like David”
For The Beauty of the Earth
To God be the Glory
Forward Through the Ages
Special Music by Gordon Waine and Carol Tummons
To God be the Glory
Forward Through the Ages
Special Music by Gordon Waine and Carol Tummons
And a great Picnic after the service
Acts of Kindness
Kindness Update – Looking For Jesus!
Have You Seen Jesus My Lord – Lyrics: A Tribute to Faith
As we begin the Stewardship process at McCormick Methodist Church, the stage has certainly been set for us with the Living Generously video series. We are learning that, as with Frank, the process is personal for each one of us because it involves our individual relationship with Jesus and all that He did for us and continues to do in our lives, all because of our Heavenly Father’s loving kindness toward us! And so we began our process of “looking for Jesus”, our “Master of Kindness”!
My personal search for Jesus takes me back to many years ago when my late husband Ronnie and I went on a Walk to Emmaus, a 72-hour weekend retreat that focuses on Luke 24: 13-35. That scripture relates the story of the risen Christ appearing to two friends who were walking together, sharing their hearts’ deepest concerns. Christ joined them and explained the scriptures as they walked, and this experience on the road was a heart-warming experience for the two friends.
The illuminating climax of the experience was when Christ took bread and said the blessing, then broke it and gave it to them. The two had their eyes opened and they recognized Him as the risen Christ and they rushed back to Jerusalem to tell others.
Christian music, of course, played a major role, as we had our personal Emmaus journey, and one song especially comes to mind – “Have You Seen Jesus My Lord?” – I suggest you type the following into your browser .. and enjoy!
Video of Emmaus Music-Have You Seen Jesus My Lord? (with lyrics) by John Fischer
The choir’s anthem this past Sunday – “Here I Am, Lord” – was also one of our favorite Emmaus songs that brought us closer to Christ during that weekend. I think it represents our perfect response when we experience Jesus! May we all experience anew the generous living we enjoy because of the kindness and generosity of Jesus!
Have you seen God today? If you see God at work this week, there are two ways you can share what you saw!
1) Be a blessing to others by sharing your Act of Kindness (no names please) on our website, or use this link! Then check back each week to learn how others are passing on acts of kindness! The link is https://www.mccormickmc.org/acts-of-kindness
2) There is a Kindness box in the library on the window sill, along with paper and pencil. Share your God-Wink, perhaps someone else will be inspired!
Another point on the Stephen Ministry Caregiver’s Compass is Full of Faith. It is through God, not the Stephen Minister, that the power of compassion, grace, and mercy come from. Christians are responsible for the care. God is responsible for the cure.
Stephen Ministers do so by incorporating, when appropriate, prayer and scripture in their relationship with their care receiver. We do not force someone to pray or read scripture … we simply provide an atmosphere of acceptance and try to be alert to spiritual needs.
Let us help you begin a caring relationship with a Stephen Minister.Start by calling Pastor Nels or one of the Stephen Leaders. We may be reached through the church office at (864) 852-2394.
Epworth Children’s Home has provided care and support for over a century to the children and families of South Carolina. Epworth staff members are knowledgeable and understanding, and they benefit from training that continually expands their knowledge and approach to care. After more than 100 years of providing assistance to families, Epworth continues to expand its services to meet the needs of children in South Carolina.
Epworth is not an apportioned item, and it relies heavily on the offerings received on Work Day and Mother’s Day to provide quality care to the 400 plus individuals who are in Epworth’s care weekly. The special Work Day offering this year was Sunday, September 8th. This is a time to promote children’s ministry through Epworth, and to take a special offering for God’s work through Epworth.
It is not too late to contribute!
You can contribute on-line at the Epworth Workday Offering link on our website.
If you are experiencing any type of difficulty and you need someone to listen to you, with whom you can share your feelings and receive acceptance and Christian love, please consider being in a relationship with a Stephen Minister at MMC.
Start by calling Pastor Nels or one of the Stephen Leaders and begin a ‘fellowship’ with a Stephen Minister. We may be reached through the church office at (864) 852-2394.
The Congregational Care Committee wants you to know they are there to help you if you ever need transportation, meals or a visitor! Please contact Kim Jackson if you or someone you know needs help or if you would like to be added to the list of volunteers.
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The first time you use the app you will be prompted to “Find Your Church”. Just begin typing “McCormick Methodist Church” and our church name will appear in the list for you to select.
Click the link below to view a short video on setting up your app.
Upcoming Events
The MMC finance committee will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 6pm
The MMC Church Council will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 7pm.
24:7 Small Group Features Panama Mission At Sept. 20 Meeting
The 24:7 Small Group meets this Friday, September 20 at 10 a.m. at the church. This is the first fall meeting for this group, and to get us into a “mission minded” focus, Sue Mitchell, a member of the group, and her husband Mitch will make a presentation to us about their missionary experience in Panama.
We look forward to hearing firsthand from them in word and pictures about this experience that is also a mission focus for McCormick Methodist Church. Any and all who are interested in learning more about Sue and Mitch’s ministry are invited to join us!
At their Friday, October 4 meeting, the 24:7 Group will begin their fall study of Church of the Small Things – Making a Difference Right Where You Are featuring best-selling author and popular blogger Melanie Shankle.
Regular 24:7 meetings are held on the first and third Fridays at 10 a.m. The group’s mission is mental health and luncheons and activities, including Bible study, are held throughout the year with the residents at Bell Ridge housing complex in downtown McCormick.
We will hold our service on Sept 22 at Baker Creek Pavilion at 10am. There will not be a service at the church. The service at Baker Creek is rain or shine. There are picnic tables, but you might want to bring a chair also.
There will be a fun picnic following! Great time to invite your neighbors to join us! We will put out an invite on Neighborlink, but an invite from you will make them feel special!
The church will be providing fried chicken, tea, and lemonade. We are asked to bring a casserole, salad or dessert to share.
There is a sign-up in the Fellowship Hall. Please indicate the number of people you are bringing (include yourself in the number) and the dish you will be bringing.
It goes without saying, this is a fun time, very casual.. time to relax and enjoy the fellowship of fellow Christians!
Hey Church Family!!! Do you long for the “good old days” you know…. the days before covid???!
Coming up Sunday September 29, 2024, is the 5th Sunday of September, and we’re going to have a “good old fashioned” 5th Sunday get-to-gather!!!”
All 3 Sunday Schools will be closed as the entire Church Family is invited to the fellowship hall after service on Sunday, September 29th for a lesson on The RightNow Media, along with a presentation of a Bible Study from Revelation. This short gathering will be hosted by Kim Jackson, our RightNow Media expert!!! Toni & Carol will be providing the lite refreshments so be willing to help if called upon.
Get excited …5th Sunday is BACK!!!
Questions, please call Toni Graham.
Pursued: Gods Relentless Love for YOU DVD
Widows Connection resumes its meetings on Monday, September 23 at 5 p.m. at the church with this 6-session Bible study by Jennifer Cowart, Executive and Teaching Pastor of Harvest Church in ministry with her husband Jim. She will explore God’s relentless love for us revealed in Genesis to Revelation. This study will help you realize that God wants a personal relationship with you, even when you feel you don’t deserve His love. You will come to realize that God never stops pursuing you! Jen is a gifted Bible teacher and speaker and mother of three children.
The first session is entitled “Pursued From the Very Beginning”. Any women who would like to participate in this study are encouraged to join this group on Monday, September 23. We meet in the Wesleyan Room (room next to the Music room).
For questions, contact Toni Graham or Linda Kidd.
We need 7 or 8 strong folks to help with the set up on Thursday, Oct 3 at 4pm. We will be setting up the tables, removing all the chairs, etc.
We need 7 or 8 (or more) to help with set up on Saturday morning at 7:30am. You will be carrying out tables for the vendors, helping the outside vendors with their tents, and then setting up for the Men’s Brat sale.
We need 7 or 8 (or more) at 2pm on Saturday to take all the tables down, bring the chairs back into the FH, and set up for Sunday.
If you can help, please email or text Barb Shelley.
Carol Tummons and Carol Fuller have put up a sign-up in the Fellowship Hall. They will need a lot of your famous baked goods, volunteers to set up, price, sell, and take down. See the sign-up sheet for what is needed!
Carol Tummons and Carol Fuller have put up a sign-up in the Fellowship Hall. They will need a lot of your famous baked goods, volunteers to set up, price, sell, and take down. See the sign-up sheet for what is needed!
Marge Radosevich is in charge of the plant sale, which will be held in the Atrium. Marge and Sue Wurtzbacher will work with those that are willing to donate plants. They would like you to bring your plants on Friday to the atrium so they can work on pricing.
Marge Radosevich is in charge of the plant sale, which will be held in the Atrium. Marge and Sue Wurtzbacher will work with those that are willing to donate plants. They would like you to bring your plants on Friday to the atrium so they can work on pricing.
If you have any questions about plant sales please contact Marge.
For additional details about the Craft Show/Cookie Factory visit https://www.mccormickmc.org/craft-show-2024/
Hobo Stew: Food; Fellowship; and Fun
Support MMC Food Bank
Be sure to plan to attend!!! This will be a lot of fun!!!
Saturday, October 19, 2024; 3:30 PM.
Pat and Brad Meyers Farm; 4601 Upper Mill Road, McCormick, SC.
McCormick Methodist Church Family. (Sign up in the fellowship hall)
Food – Unique Dinning Experience:
Saturday, October 19, 2024; 3:30 PM.
Pat and Brad Meyers Farm; 4601 Upper Mill Road, McCormick, SC.
McCormick Methodist Church Family. (Sign up in the fellowship hall)
Food – Unique Dinning Experience:
- Bring a can of your favorite vegetables (corn, peas, beans, mixed, other) The contents will be opened, strained, and added to a pre-prepared base in a hot boiling cauldron (Hobo Style).
- Rinse and save the can. You will need it to eat out of later. Paper bowls will also be available.
- Bring a koozie for the hot can.
- Bring a lawn chair.
- Beverages that will be available are tea, lemonade and water. If another beverage is desired, please feel free to bring it!
- Sign up in the fellowship hall.
Fellowship and Fun – Enjoy:
- Games
Ladder Ball
Horse Shoes
Holey Board - Conversation
- Hobo Attire (optional)
Note: Please bring additional food items to help restock the MMC Food Pantry! Suggestions: small jars of peanut butter, pasta, sauces, soup, canned meats, canned meals (beef stew etc.), cereal, fruit cups or cans of fruit cocktail! Please be aware of expiration dates.
The Evangelism Committee is planning a Christmas Event in conjunction with Holiday on Main in McCormick. It will be held on Saturday, December 7 from 2-4pm. They are planning on having a professional Santa Claus in the Fellowship Hall, which will be decorated with child-friendly decorations. Cookies an Punch will be served.
There will be several different church groups presenting their music in the sanctuary.
They will be calling on the church family for cookies and possibly some decorations.
Mark your calendars!