Music Ministry
Thank you to the men of the Summer Songsters Men’s Choir for singing The Lords’ Prayer at our August 7 service.
MUMC Church family sincerely thanks Gena Wideman for sharing her musical talent with us on Sunday, June 19, 2022. Gena, the Principal at McCormick High School, is a lifelong McCormick resident. She had her mother, Monica Kelly, as an accompanist while she sang “Be What You Called Me to Be”. She also shared the powerful story of a young girl who inspired her to sing the beautiful song. She sang from the heart and touched our hearts in so doing!
Thank you to Lindy Stahlman, Patsy Wilson, and Marge Radosevich for sharing their singing talents on Sunday, June 26, 2022!
Carol Tummons provided special music at the October 20, 2019 services. Carol sang “One True God”. There is an audio recording below.
Al Gaer, Gordy Waine, Rob Rennie and Bob Rennie prepared us for worship Sunday morning, September 8. They sang “God Is Still Good”. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us! There is an audio recording below.
Carol Tummons provided special music for our worship services on September 1, Communion Sunday. Carol sang “Come to the Table”. Thank you Carol for sharing your gifts! There is an audio recording below.
Lindy Stahlman provided special music for our worship services on August 25. Lindy sang “You Say”. Thank you Lindy, for sharing your gifts!
Sue Yerdon and Al Gaer provide our special music on Sunday, August 11. Sue and Al sang “Seeking the Lost”. There is an audio recording below.
Billie Samec and Jeanne Thornburg provided special music Sunday, August 4, 2019. They sang “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”. There is an audio recording below.
Chris Hogarth provided patriotic music Sunday, July 28, 2019.
Mitch Mitchell provide special music on July 7, 2019. Mitch sang “Drink the Wine, Eat the Bread”.
Men N Ministry provided patriotic music Sunday, June 30, 2019.
Gordie Waine provided our special music, June 23, 2019, Gordie sang “Because He Lives” . Click below to listen to an audio recording.
Patsy Wilson provided our special music, June 16, 2019, singing a beautiful rendition of “Jesus Loves Me”. Click below to listen to an audio recording.
We were blessed by Jeanne Thornburg sharing her musical talents Sunday, June 2, by singing “Oh Lord, How Majestic is Your Name”.
Easter Sunday Cantata
April 21, 2019
Carol and Don Tummons sing “First Love” at worship services on February 17, 2019.
Donnell Harris performs special prelude music on December 16, 2018
Thanks to Donnell Harris for providing a special prelude for the start of Advent at worship services on December 2, 2018
Thanks to Carol Tummons, Michael Sartain, and Donnell Harris for providing special music at our worship services on October 21, 2018. They performed “Dream Small”.
Thank you to Donnell Harris, Lindy Stahlman, Betty Youngs and Jeanne Thornburg for sharing their talents September 2. They used handbells to share “Let Us Break Bread Together” prior to Holy Communion. We have been very blessed this summer that so many talented members were willing to add to our services through music.
Thank you John Mark McQuown for providing our special music Sunday, August 19. John warmed our hearts by singing “Spirit Song”. John is a member of First Presbyterian Church in Greenwood, SC where he is a member of the Chancel Choir. John Mark is the son of the late Dr. and Mrs. James A. McQuown.
Bob Weiss, Bob Rennie, Rob Rennie, Al Gaer and Gordy Waine performed “The Lord’s Prayer” during Holy Communion at the worship services on August 5, 2018.
Tom Huber and Paula LeMond provided the Special Music on Sunday, August 5, 2018. Paula played the piano while Tom played guitar and sang “It Is No Secret What God Can Do”.
For Heaven’s Sake” performs “Bow The Knee” at the July 29, 2018 worship service
Mary Wright and Billie Samec – August 13, 2017
Lindy Stahlman – August 6, 2017